Monday, April 29, 2024

Terry Wall's Hard-Left "Forgetfulness"

It's amusing to read an alleged 'conservative' rant about the Horrible Injustice of Rapacious and Greedy Electric Utilities (that won't pay for his sun-catcher scheme) while he "forgets" some serious numbers.  Let's ignore the inane "climate change" crap that Wall is assuming to be fact here, and concentrate on his missing--or 'forgotten'--numbers.

...All utility companies [in Wisconsin] except [Madison Gas & Electric], pay a tiny fraction of the value of that solar electricity to the solar provider (property owner). Up until recently, MGE paid at a ratio of 1:1, i.e. paid $1.00 for $1.00, which is to say, MGE paid the same rate for the solar electricity delivered to MGE as MGE charged for electricity.

Good for them! But recently even MGE announced that they would reduce the reimbursement rate for new solar electricity providers as well....

Wall carries on about the (very limited) benefits of solar; his case is that sun-catchers provide 'peak usage power' during daylight hours.  That's true, assuming that it's a sunny day.  Therefore, in Wall's opinion, the utilities do not have to spend a bunch of money increasing their 'peak usage' capacity.

So solar deserves equality, dammit!!

... Think of it this way – if the utilities value electricity at $1.00 (I made up that number), then that is the market value of the electricity and they should pay you $1.00, but instead the utilities are saying that electricity is worth $1.00 when they sell it to you, but it’s worth only pennies of that when they buy it from you....

Umnnnhhhhh......not exactly, Terry.

Do you suncatcher-lovers provide the poles, wires, and transformers?  Do you provide the skilled labor for installation and maintenance of those wires, transformers, and switchgear?  Do you provide the (expensive) trucks and equipment for such installs and maintenance?  Do you pay taxes on your 'solar' income, like utilities pay taxes on their income?

No?  Oh, gee, Terry!

So all you really want is more money for your expensive hobby-horse.

That's "conservative"?

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