Monday, August 01, 2022

Z-Man Misses the Beginning

Z-Man has a number of thoughts which provoke other thought.  Today, he discusses 'futurism,' but misses the beginning of it--by a lot.

...Once the focus shifted from the present to the future, the debate shifted from how to best to manage the present to who will run the society of the future. The great ideological conflicts of the 20th century were all about who will impose their vision of their future....

All of that is true except for the implication that 'futurism' is a 20th-Century thing.  But his emphasis on "WHO will run...." is an excellent key to the real question at hand.

"WHO will run the society of the future" was a question first posed by Lucifer, to Eve, when he suggested that by chomping the apple, she would be 'like unto God.'  Being like unto God is--of course--being the Master of the Universe, to borrow a phrase.

Z-Man and all of us know that neither Eve nor any of her successors (excepting Christ) 'run' it well at all.  Wars, plagues, famines, mass rapes and slaughters--all are the results of man and woman 'running the future.'

But that's the problem with all 'futurists,' including those of the present day.  As Z-Man tells us, they will not resolve the problems of the present; they will instead "run" the future.

Sad that we have to live with the results, which is why we are in the 'vale of tears.'

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