Sunday, August 14, 2022

Chesterton on Party Politics

 GKChesterton is not a fan of the party system.

The real danger of the two parties with their two policies is that they unduly limit the outlook of the ordinary citizen.  They make him barren instead of creative, because he is never allowed to do anything except prefer one existing policy to another.  We have not got real democracy when the decision depends on the people.  We shall have real democracy when the problem depends on the people. The ordinary man will decide not only how he will vote, but what he is going to vote about.  

One small example involves Social Security taxes.  We've heard for the last 20 years or so that SS is going broke.  But there has NEVER been serious consideration of applying the Social Security tax to income above $147K (this year's limit).  While there are several hundred thousand people who earn more than that, they will not have an equal tax exposure/liability as do those earning less than that.

What happens instead of that discussion?  Republicans claim that SS's upcoming bankruptcy is due to Democrat overspending and go to their corner and pout.  Democrats are happy to fold their hands and walk away from the question at the earliest convenient moment--after all, most of their contributors come from the $147K+++-earning class.

We are NEVER going to vote about that, as GKC could have told us. 

While we're at it:  which national referendum voted FOR sending $80 BILLION to Ukraine?

No, you'll never vote on that, either.

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