Sunday, April 03, 2022

K Jackson: WORSE Than a Pedo-Lover

So you thought that Biden🤡 nominee Ketanji Jackson's principal failure as a judge had to do with her apparent love for baby-brutalizers and rapists?

Wrong!!  In the written portion of the questioning.....

...Cruz asked, “Do you hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights, yes or no?”

A simple question, one would think. At least if you believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. But if you thought Jackson’s answer about not being able to define a “woman” was a bad answer, this response was even worse.

Her response was not good, to say the least. “I do not hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights.”...

Well, that's consistent.  To her, babies have no natural rights.

What about the rest of us, Ketanji?


JTLiuzza said...

She's not a westerner. We shouldn't automatically expect her to think and act like one and be surprised when she doesn't. The race mixing of "multi culturalism" is evil.

Fr. VF said...

She's not Western because of her perverted upbringing and "education," not because of her race.