Saturday, March 12, 2022

RoJo Goes War-Baby!!

Apparently 42 Republican Senators, including Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, have decided that the US should facilitate (read:  get hands dirty with) a transfer of MIG jets from Poland to Ukraine.

It is interesting that these Senators demand that Poland makes the planes available--thereby putting Poland directly in the cross-hairs of Putin, rather than the USA.

The Poles (and so far, the Pentagon) are not that stupid.  They are certainly smarter than The Holiest Man in the Entire World, Mitt Romney (whose daddy wouldn't let him run the car company....)

RoJo disappoints here.  We have no interest in Ukraine, unlike Joe Biden's son.  We have no particular interest in Ukraine's corruptocrat ruler(s).

Perhaps these folks want the war to continue for a long, long, time.  That's what they're going to get.  After all, longer wars have less casualties, right?


1 comment:

Mar said...

Right now, there is no way Russia will go after Poland except maybe bomb an aspirin factory in the forest.
Russia has found that their military really isn't that good and Ukraine is holding their, for the most part, is holding their own and they haven't even entered the Capitol yet and undergone door to door fighting.
Putin maybe evil but I doubt he is suicidal.