Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hydrogen Fuel Cells a Little Closer!!

 This is a big deal.

A nitrogen doped carbon-coated nickel anode can catalyze an essential reaction in hydrogen fuel cells at a fraction of the cost of the precious metals currently used, Cornell University researchers have found.

The new discovery could accelerate the widespread use of hydrogen fuel cells, which hold great promise as efficient, clean energy sources for vehicles and other applications....--quoted at Ace of Spades.

Toyota is into fuel cells big-time.  GM, FoMoCo and Stellantis (not Chrysler) are also into the technology.  Unlike electrics, these do not require 2++++ hours to 'refuel' and they get far more miles.  

Moving away from exotic metals (read:  Red China) is a very good thing--but Indonesia is not the ideal partner.  Maybe Philippines will be the ticket!!

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