Sunday, January 02, 2022

Setting Up the Next Wuhan Flu Grift

This little grift was planted a few months back.

It's called "long Covid," and it will be a money-maker.

...What exactly is “long COVID”? Good luck finding a solid, evidence-based answer to that. It’s typically described as a set of symptoms that could possibly be caused by the lingering effects of previously having the coronavirus. The problem? The symptoms in question (brain fog, low energy, etc.) are so generic that they could literally be caused by dozens of other ailments, or they could actually be nothing at all.

For example, as RedState reported months ago, a study out of the UK examined “long COVID” in children. Incredibly, the results showed that kids in the control group (i.e. those who never even had COVID) had a higher prevalence of “long COVID” symptoms than those who had actually been infected at the four-week and 12-week intervals of the study....

You've heard the term on the usual CoviDOOM!!!! teeevee stations, mouthed by the usual CoviDOOM!!! 'doctors'.

Keep calm and carry on.

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