Tuesday, January 18, 2022

What the Journal-Sentinel Doesn't Tell You

You recall the "reporting" done on J. Robeson by the Milwaukee branch of Pedophile Papers on the supposed 'plot' to kidnap the Governor-ette of Michigan.

You haven't seen any follow-up coverage of Robeson--who lives near the Dells--lately, have you?

There's a reason for that.

...Prosecutors also don’t plan to call on Stephen Robeson, the informant who coordinated every surveillance and training trip related to the caper. Not only has Robeson been charged with committing at least two crimes while working the Whitmer plot, the Justice Department accuses him (implausibly) of acting as a “double agent.” 

Defense attorneys aren’t buying the government’s latest excuse to keep Robeson, a longtime FBI source, off the witness stand. Robeson’s testimony, the defense argues, “will establish repeated violations of FBI policies in handling [informants], making it both exculpatory and essential.”...

The FBI is so dirty on this "plot" that the defense lawyers are asking for immunity--for the prosecution witnesses!!   

And as you recall, the FEEB who supervised all this became the SAIC of the D.C. FEEB office just in time for him to set up another massive informant-led plot--the one on January 6th.

See why the Democrat Party Blather Journal-Sentinel doesn't mention this?

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