Monday, May 18, 2020

The "Gimme Money or the Kitten Gets It" Game

Newsom of California wants Federal money for the California deficit which he claims is all "China Lung-Rot related."  That would be $54.3 BILLION by his estimate.

How to extort that money?  Easy--it's the same game they always play.

...Well, these same folks that say it’s dead on arrival, I hope they will consider this. The next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes, our first responders, our police officers, and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties....
Sound familiar?  Yup.  When your School Board wants more money so they can build monuments to themselves and meet the demands of the Teachers' Union, they tell you that 'without the money, we'll have to cancel all the sports.'

Trump and Congress already sent a bunch of money to the States for Peking Pox-related expenses; Wisconsin alone will get $1.6 BILLION.  Haven't fired one cop yet--nor one teacher.  But yah, they did cancel all the sports already.

See how that works?? 

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