Saturday, February 01, 2025

Willie Hines Is a Crook

Let's be clear about this.  Willie Hines, former head of Milwaukee Housing Authority, illegally used $2.8 million in Federal funds to meet the Housing Authority's payroll instead of spending on Section 8 assistance.  

Now Willie Hines is retired on a $132,000/year pension.  That's about the number of cockroaches in ONE of the Authority's buildings and about the number of rats and other vermin in Housing Authority buildings city-wide.

No matter what the current MHA finance guy says, Willie Hines could be prosecuted by HUD--and he should be.  Hines thought that he was untouchable; after all, he was an alderman for many years before Barrett appointed him to a lifetime easy job.  It was easy because Willie Hines did nothing except collect his paycheck (by illegally moving Federal money).  Oh, yes:  Willie also watched as the buildings slid into utter disrepair and the tenants were forced to live in Third World conditions.

But they were "Willie's Peeps," right?  So white folks didn't care and the black folks--well--they elected him Alderman, right?

Willie knew that, and his actions proved it.

This is something that Trump's Government will not tolerate.  Barrett did.  Cavalier Johnson did.  Willies "In His Pocket" Board did.

It would only take about 21 months of Willie's pension to pay off the Feds.  Seems to us that it would be fair.  If he can't afford his retirement digs, move him into one of the rat-and-roach-infested MHA units.  He deserves nothing more than that.

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