Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Evers Tries Double-Talk. Fails Badly

Evers was not told that this "inseminated person" line would be in the budget, and it's very clear that he doesn't have a clue.  So he tries double-talk.

... “We wish to provide legal certainty and protection to ensure that moms can access necessary care,” Evers said, defending the changes. He continued, becoming increasingly agitated: “What the Republicans say is a lie, so of course I’m pretty pissed off about that. It gives people using IVF legal certainty. That’s it… Moms are moms. Dads are dads. What we want is legal certainty.”...

It IS 'legally certain' now, has been for ..........I dunno.......a million years or so.

Notice that Evers--in failure mode--stated that "Moms are moms and dads are dads"?

That was deliberateNobody in the "press" asked him the payoff question:  "Are men men and women women, Tony?"  So either the press is as stupid as Tony is, or they have the same fundamental mental disorder. 

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