Although this is a mini-sized re-run of a previous Trump initiative--which was withdrawn--it gladdens the heart. Various Cardinals and Bishops will soon be on corners with tin cups in hand, begging money for "Catholic" Charities.
Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem announced Wednesday the department has stopped all grant funding to nonprofits that operate outside of government control, saying they have been "perverted into a shadow government" that feeds illegal immigration.
Noem said some non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which receive millions in federal grants, have been facilitating illegal immigration by helping aliens cross the U.S. border.
"Many of these NGOs actually have infrastructure and operations set up in Mexico, on that side of the border, and are telling those illegal immigrants to come to them, and they will get them across the border," Noem said on Fox News Channel's Will Cain Show. "So they're not just operating in the United States, they're operating outside the United States to help make it easier for those who want to break our laws."...
By Tuesday, we'll know a lot more and one suspects that this will be fun to watch.
Reminder: we just suggested that the Bishops shut down "Catholic" Charities. One good reason? No more money, honey.
.....He is trampling through the vineyards where the grapes of wrath are stored/His truth is marching on/Glory, glory Hallelujia! Glory, glory Hallelujia! ...
Welp. Life is gonna get better!
Victims Of Illegal Immigrant Crime Might Soon Be Able To SUE Sanctuary Cities
…….Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) did exactly that with a bill he and others in the chamber introduced recently that would empower victims of criminal illegal immigrants to sue jurisdictions that refuse to enforce immigration laws……
……Tillis and nine other Republicans filed S. 185, a bill titled the “Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act.”
“For far too long, we have watched local jurisdictions in North Carolina and across the country ignore the lawful notification and detainer requests made by ICE agents and instead release dangerous criminals back into their communities, putting innocent lives at risk,” Tillis said in a statement. “It is time for Congress to step in and hold sanctuary cities accountable.”
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