Saturday, February 01, 2025

Is Ben Wikler This Dumb? Really?

For a guy who has defeated a (somnabulent and split) Republican Party several times in the last few years, Ben Wikler doesn't display too much intellectual horsepower.  Of course, he doesn't have to.

Every single candidate running to chair the Democratic National Committee (DNC) blamed former Vice President Kamala Harris’s loss to President Donald Trump on “racism and misogyny.”...

That includes Wikler.

The Wisconsin Republican Vos Party hates Trump, rolls over for any Big Spend budget, and can not spell "C O N S E R V A T I V E   P O P U L I S T" without choking on their Capitol Grill steaks.  Their idea of policy innovation?  Spend More, Add State Employees, Let (D) Corruption Slide, and--most important--Admire Self in Mirror.

Wikler didn't have an intellectual challenge.

And it shows.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I'm all for them thinking Harris lost because of racism and misogyny!