Let's not pretend that it is a "Republican" Party in Wisconsin. It's a VOS Party.
The VOS Party will not rock the boat; it just keeps adding spending and full-time-equivalent State employees (a tradition which goes back to Scott Walker.) In a nutshell, the VOS Party is Deep State, just like the Democrat Party in Wisconsin.
They're both cancers; the only difference is that the VOS Party yaps about "Law Enforcement". They don't really care about that, but it's the doggie treat they feed their peeps.
So we will give the VOS Party a big fat target to shoot at. They won't, you understand; but there's a lot here which would benefit Wisconsin citizens and taxpayers. Following is a list of things which should be zeroed out in the upcoming budget, and/or nullified by legislation.
Creation of the Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy
• Creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate
Change and work toward its recommendations
• Publication of the state’s first-ever Clean Energy Plan,
including Lead by Example strategies & goals
• Pledge to plant 75 million trees and conserve
125,000 acres of forest by 2030
• Multi-state partnership to accelerate vehicle
electrification in the Midwest (REV Midwest)
• Multi-state partnership to build network of EV
charging stations along Lake Michigan shorelineEstablishment of 100% carbon-free electricity
goal via Executive Order #38Creation of the Office of Environmental Justice
Creation of a Chief Resilience Officer, the only
state-level resilience position in the Midwest
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