Friday, January 03, 2025

Continetti Voices Billy Kristol Et. Al.

Let's turn New Orleans into another chapter in the Forever War-says Continetti Bill Kristol.  (We have questions for you, Matthew Billy at the end of this post).

After all the usual bromides, he gets to the propaganda, proclaiming that Bush, Obama, and Trump 'crushed' ISIS in--what he would call--a brilliant display of gunboat diplomacy.  Lots of gunboats.  And tens of thousands of US casualties plus several hundred billion dollars spent wasted.


...America forgot this lesson. Our leaders reduced commitments in Iraq and Syria. Federal law enforcement shifted its attention to domestic extremism and white nationalism. Worst of all, President Biden beat a hasty retreat from Afghanistan that left 13 U.S. servicemen killed, U.S. citizens and visa-holders stranded, Afghan allies abandoned, the Afghan people in hock to a jihadist militia that calls itself a government, and Afghanistan's ungoverned spaces in the hands of ISIS....

It is noteworthy that Continetti Kristol did not use quotation marks around 'domestic extremism' and 'white nationalism.'  For some reason, he won't define either of those terms, either.  Does he mean "Roman Catholics"?  "Moms against porno in kindergarten"?  "Americans who think America is their primary global interest, not some s**t-hole country"?

Wouldn't serve his purpose to get all technical there, would it?

However, he provides a convenient list of Crusades on which to send our children and grandchildren.  Oddly, neither he nor the actual writer, Kristol, has volunteered to join the US Armed Forces.  And don't hold your breath waiting for either of them to graduate from BCT.

 ...The jihadist worldview exemplified by ISIS has not been vanquished. On the contrary: It is resurgent. There was a terrible attack in Moscow last April, and last month's Christmas market attack in Germany killed four women and a nine-year-old boy. Radical Islamism is growing in and fuels violence throughout Africa. ISIS rages in Syria and Iraq as its Sunni compatriots in Hamas fight to the death in Gaza. Shiite radicals in Hezbollah and among the Houthis sow terror at the direction of their Iranian masters. Above all, ISIS has embedded in Afghanistan, where its leaders issue communiques to an international following, plot against the West, and attack both the Taliban government and neighboring Pakistan. ...

The Forever War Party never shuts up, does it?

Here's a couple of questions that Continetti Kristol doesn't answer:

After 'crushing' ISIS in three Presidencies, how come it showed up again?  Maybe it was not 'crushed'?  Maybe, since it is a religion like Judaism and Christianity, it cannot be 'crushed'?  Do you recall that the Catholics "crushed" Islam a few hundred years ago, Matthew--at Vienna, in Spain, and at Lepanto?  Do you recall that they liberated Jerusalem, too?  (Looking for a "thank you," Billy....)  That didn't really work permanently, did it?  

Here's another question:  why is it our business what happens in Germany, Syria, Gaza, and Afghanistan, Billy-Matthew?  Granted, the CIA has taken out most of their governments, leaving them prostate before ISIS, was OUR CIA and State Department which paved the way for more ISIS bloodletting........?????

Maybe you should direct your pen at the real culprits, Matthew Billy.

Bannon on H-1B

 He's right, you know.


Thursday, January 02, 2025

The FBI's Shiny New HQ!!!

Perhaps most of you forgot.

The FBI will have a shiny new Headquarters building in a suburb of DC.

Expected cost?



Haven't they earned that?

Trump should find a way--on Day 2--to block this abomination.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

About Trump's In-Vitro Fertilization

Trump is on the record stating that he wants in-vitro fertilization to be available to anyone who wants it.

He will either mandate coverage through health insurance, or will direct Federal tax dollars to support it.

Either way, he will be forcing US Catholics to support a gravely-immoral procedure.

Think the US Bishops will draw a line in the sand here?


Freedom? Bah. Humbug.

 Found at Peter's site and stolen!

Britain, the US, and Ukraine: Evangelical Ruin

Some good insight here on the Losing War over Ukraine.  We'll skip to a particularly useful couple of grafs.

...Outlining the principles of British foreign policy in 1852, the Foreign Secretary Lord Granville wrote that “it is the duty and the interest of this country, having possessions scattered over the whole world, and priding itself on its advanced state of civilization, to encourage moral, intellectual and physical progress among all other nations.” This self-image of Britain as both global policeman and mentor bred a conflict between the muscular and pacifist wings of British liberalism, with non-interventionists like John Bright and Richard Cobden arguing that it was free trade which would civilize the world and the interventionists saying that free trade was only possible in a world made civil by British power and British values. What is striking today is the collapse of that pacifist tradition...

GWB did a good copy/paste of that balderdash. 

...The claim to the higher moral ground of democracy and human rights would justify attempts to spread western values to those areas that remained mired in dictatorship and autocracy. Arguably Britain’s most successful export was the export of its moral evangelism  to the United States as America emerged from its isolationism....

Yah, Wilson bought it hook-line-sinker, too.  Wilson is key, friends...

... The comparison of Putin with Hitler comes from a sweeping generalization that sees democracy as the peaceful form of the state and autocracy as its warlike form. Against this we should counterpose the notably “realist” summary of historian A.J.P. Taylor: “Bismarck fought ‘necessary’ wars and killed thousands; the idealists of the twentieth century fought ‘just’ wars and killed millions.” It’s the idealists who are more likely to want to win at all costs, the autocrats who want to stop wars before their thrones crumble....

As to "Our Evangelization Works!!" crapola---ask Iraqis, or Algerians, or nearly anybody in South and Central America, or Afghans.

You call that "working"?