Saturday, February 25, 2023

That $110B in Ukraine? Spent Perfectly Well!!

This woman--Samantha Power--is the Dr. Fauci of the Deep State.  Lying, treachery, and corruption are her only jobs.

Ukraine is not misusing the tens of billions of dollars in direct financial assistance it is receiving courtesy of U.S. taxpayers according to a top Biden administration official.

Samantha Power, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), gave the public affirmation during a CNN live town hall on Thursday evening....

"There's no evidence" of mis-appropriation, she said.  

Just like election fraud, embezzlement is designed to leave no evidence.

Samantha Power is also plotting to overthrow Viktor Orban's (landslide-elected) government in Hungary for flagrant disobedience to the New World Order.

Lying--her specialty--is the bed-mate of murder.  Bear that in mind as things develop in Eastern Europe.

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