Friday, February 28, 2025

Bondi the Show-Horse, NOT the Go-Horse

Looks good, speaks well, hasn't a F*n clue.


Oh, REALLY, Kash?

This guy may be a turkey dressed as a Trumpist.

... Patel has been spotted around Washington, including a party at the British ambassador’s residence on Wednesday. He also showed up to the regional meeting without a jacket. “I’m not planning on wearing a suit, and I don’t expect you to wear one,” Patel said.

Patel also appears to be bringing many stylistic changes to the job. He told officials he planned to spend a lot of time in Las Vegas, where he was living last year. He ordered new decor for his Washington office and asked for his personal trainer to be cleared to enter the building for his workouts...Last Refuge quoting WSJ

Remember to keep the little finger up when drinking your tea, Kash.

Sex Parties and the Comey Family

 Interesting co-incidence that a Comey is involved in the prosecution of both Epstein AND P Diddy (whatever that is.)

Here's a picture of what the NYC FEEB (Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity, but only on Sunday for maybe 30 minutes or so) office was hiding from the American taxpaying public.  


Should we speculate?  Was the FBI--under Comey--running this Epstein honey-trap AND the P Diddy honey traps?  Was it Mossad?  Both?

And why is Comey's daughter anywhere NEAR this?

Zelenskiy Pounded Into His Place

About f*****ng time.

The Screeching Will Commence In......

Can't wait to hear the "Catholic Charities" bunch--or that two-named troublemaking twit from Voces de la Frontera on this one.  The Walls Are Closing In!!!

 The Trump administration has created a registry for illegal migrants to submit their personal information or else face penalties such as fines or prison time.

Illegal migrants 14 years or older living in the United States must register and provide fingerprints on a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) account, according to an announcement from the agency Tuesday. The registration applies to illegal migrants who have not previously interacted with the government, such as those who’ve applied for asylum or properly entered the country through a port of entry.

Parents or guardians of illegal migrant children under 14 must ensure their children are also registered, according to USCIS. The registration is mandatory of any illegal migrant who has resided in the U.S. 30 days or longer.....

Let's see how they like "registries".  

Remember that they LOVE Gun Registries.  Think they'll love this one?

Pronoun Hair

 Some of you are not aware of "pronoun hair."

This will help.

 Penny Markus

Thursday, February 27, 2025

"Judge" Amir Ali: A Certified Idiot

You've read the news story already.  But there's this Supreme Irony.......

 Chief Justice Roberts temporarily stopped Judge Amir Ali’s midnight deadline and halted his order forcing the Trump Admin to pay $2 billion in foreign contracts.

Biden-appointed Judge Amir Ali on Tuesday blasted DOJ lawyers over USAID disbursement and ordered the Trump Administration to pay the foreign contracts by 11:59 pm on Wednesday evening.

The Supreme Court immediately responded to Trump’s emergency request to vacate Judge Amir Ali’s order....

The irony?

The US has sovereign domain, meaning that any suits demanding payment from the US filed in the Court of Claims.  Ali--who apparently doesn't read a lot of actual law--took jurisdiction even though he's merely a District judge.


Not to worry; SCOTUS is going to bundle all those idiot-generated lawsuits and will instruct the plaintiffs to read Article II, Sentence One over and over and over until they get it.

Meantime, a lot of money is being poured into the toilet by the unions, camp-followers, twits, and crybabies suing the Administration.  That's a good thing; they won't have any cash left over to attend AstroTurf screeching-sessions at Republican town hall meetups.

Ag Sec Rollins: Trapped in the 1950's

Big Plan to 'reduce egg prices.'  (You are supposed to stand up and cheer now.)  It's only going to cost $1 BILLION, and if you're stupid enough to believe that, please stop voting.

...Department of Agriculture Secretary (USDA), Brooke Rollins, has laid out a plan to reduce egg prices.  ...

It's a FIVE-POINT plan!!  Just like the economic plans of the Soviet Union!!  (Please applaud.)

 ...Rollins pointed to ongoing incidents of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu, as a significant factor causing the price increase. To combat this, she announced a $1 billion investment dedicated to controlling bird flu, funded partly by savings identified by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). The investment includes $500 million for biosecurity initiatives to help stop the flu’s spread among poultry producers. Another $400 million is earmarked for those producers experiencing significant production declines due to the flu, and $100 million will support vaccine research.

Currently, poultry farmers typically cull infected flocks to combat flu outbreaks. However, Rollins expressed optimism that vaccinations could lessen the need for this practice...

Fauci loves Vaxxes.  Rollins' ossified lieutenants apparently worship Fauci.  And let's invent "Chicken Biosecurity."  Will that stop Red Chinese (and/or the CIA and Bill Gates) from inventing new ways around it--and inventing new Bird Flu strains?

You wish.

Also note that killing millions of chickens is still on the plate.  None of the "herd immunity" stuff here!!  We'll kill off chickens like maniacs because that's how they did it in the 1950's and, by God, that's the way to do it now.

MSM Is Losing the Battle

No matter how they try to engineer the narrative and/or distort the news.....

 ..."I believe firmly that the story of 2024, one of the big story lines, is that the legacy media has finally been proven irrelevant," pollster Scott Rasmussen said Wednesday on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "They could not control the narrative. They were out of touch talking to each other. YouGov actually ran a survey a couple weeks ago and found that more voters trust Donald Trump for information about what's going on than trust the traditional media."

"They don't seem to understand even where the electorate is," he said of legacy outlets. "I think last year, when the narrative was 'economy is improving,' and people say, 'not in my checkbook, not at my kitchen table it's not' and I think that that now has spun out to they don't understand that people are okay with deporting illegal aliens, particularly illegal criminal aliens who've committed crimes. The gap of just not understanding where America is, is because reporters don't get out and talk to real people anymore."...

Or often, if the do, they're talking to the AstroTurf twits financed by Soros, Reid, Pritzker, Gates....


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Not ONLY About the Money, But.....

The illegals are not cheap.

 The Manhattan Institute estimates that that every new illegal immigrant has an average net fiscal burden of about $130,000. The study finds that immigrants without a high school diploma who arrive in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 24 – the profile “most commonly represented among immigrants who entered the country unlawfully,” – can receive $332,000 in taxpayer-provided benefits over their lifetime, including healthcare and other welfare program benefits. The report also details that “the border crisis is expected to cost $1.15 trillion over the lifetime of the new immigrants who entered the country unlawfully, overstayed a visa, or were paroled.”...

That's a lot of money which could have been spent fixing roads, or providing relief to US citizen-taxpayers hit by natural disasters, or--HERE'S an idea--lining the pockets of the children and grand-children of those US taxpayers so that they could contribute to charities taking care of foreigners needing the basics--in their own country!

The Encrushment of the Deep State and Its Judge-Puppets

 Wauck tracks all sorts of stuff and summarizes the good parts.

Here are the good parts.  Here he's quoting Margot Cleveland:

... Donald Trump is not acting like a dictator. And he’s not acting like a king. He’s governing as the executive — the position to which he was elected by a majority of voters.

Yet with every decision President Trump makes, the left responds with claims that our very democracy is at risk. But, as is often the case, if you allow the ignorant to talk long enough, they shine a light on their stupidity — and their true motives. ...

... [Susan] Rice then added a further talking point — one prevalently paraded by those attacking Donald Trump: These officials “all take an oath to the Constitution of the United States. Not to any individual President or any individual leader.”

An oath to the Constitution of the United States, however, includes an oath to uphold Article II, which expressly provides “[t]he executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States.” ...

Clear, except to the willfully blind self-serving tax-leeches and cancers.  But I understate...

... Declaring then that executive officials should maintain an independence from, or act as a resistance to, the president, represents a perversion to our Constitution and democracy by demanding executive authority be wrested from the unitary executive and gifted instead “to a person who answers to no one and for whom no one voted.”...

Yes.  Did you elect Anthony Fauci, MD--the most prominent graduate of the Jos. Mengele School of Medicine?  Did you??

Now to Shipwrecked Crew:

 Let me summarize the circularity of what Hampton Delliger has done today:

“..., Dellinger proposes to use his “Executive Power” to cancel the exercise of “Executive Power” by the Executive from whom his Executive power originates. So, on Trump’s behalf, Dellinger proposes to prohibit Trump from taking action via the Executive Order Trump signed.”...

Thus making a fool out of Judge Jackson, who granted his preliminary stay.  (A more deserving fool would be hard to find--but there are candidates!)

 ...So now we'll have a test of whether the Judiciary gets to direct federal government spending via TRO.

Not only do I think the DOJ expected this result -- I think they actually goaded the Plaintiffs and the Judge into this outcome.

Again, this is a fight they want to have because it is intended to hem-in the perceived authority that District Judges' believe themselves to have to direct the operations of the Executive branch.

I think they saw Judge Ali as an easy mark - he took the bait and has run with it....

 So Judge Ali competes with Judge Jackson for "Greatest Fool."

Cage-match of Dummies-in-Black!!

"Ham 'n' Eggers", Hannity??

Few will accuse Sean Hannity of intellectual superiority, so his lame-ass defense of FEEB "ham 'n' eggers" as being the Good Guys was never worth much.

After the "ham'n'eggers" adventure in Michigan (the Whitmer fiasco) and DC (who planted the "bomb" at DNC?) , and their complete and tragic flop on investigating a serial-predator "doctor" who was "treating" US Olympic team female gymnasts--not to mention their blown coverages of the Boston, Houston, and Dallas terrorists....

Well!!  There's another "ham'n'egger" gambit.

Get naked on video!!


...The FBI has launched an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey for his "honeypot" operation targeting Trump in 2016, according to the Washington Times.

The announcement comes just days after Kash Patel was sworn in as the new FBI director.

As reported by the Washington Times, the FBI is looking into an off-the-books operation launched in 2015 by Comey.

According to a whistleblower, two undercover female FBI employees infiltrated Trump's 2016 campaign to act as "honeypots."

"In the intelligence community, a honeypot commonly refers to an undercover operative, usually a woman, who feigns sexual or romantic interest to obtain information from a target," the Washington Times reported.

The whistleblower claimed Comey ordered the investigation and "personally directed it" despite not having a specific crime.

The operation was likely a "fishing expedition" to "find" a crime against Trump....

A 'honeypot' sting is very simple.  You find a target, smile, flip your hair, laugh at his jokes, and become naked in his hotel room--for the cameras, of course.  Then, when the time is right, remind him of your prowess-in-seduction.

Works on Members of Congress, too!

Yesterday's Big History

The reason to read AOSHQ is because they publish good stuff.  

On February 25:

 Samuel Colt patents first multi-shot revolving-cylinder revolver, enabling the firearm to be fired multiple times without reloading....

Officially, Samuel was a dummy:

 Colt's revolver had its roots in young Samuel's inability to stay focused at the boarding school his father had sent him to; he preferred reading scientific encyclopedias and tinkering with his own experiments than tending to his schoolwork, and was consequently expelled. --quoting Ct. Day in History

A very good day, indeed!!


Narrative-Game on MKE VA Layoffs

It's being reported in numerous MKE "news" outlets that 10 people were laid off at VA.


Notice that the "news" never mentions how many people are employed at the MKE VA?

Is it 200?  800?  2200??

But TEN people were laid off.

See how that Trump-Evil Musk-MORE-Evil narrative is built?

Evers Tries Double-Talk. Fails Badly

Evers was not told that this "inseminated person" line would be in the budget, and it's very clear that he doesn't have a clue.  So he tries double-talk.

... “We wish to provide legal certainty and protection to ensure that moms can access necessary care,” Evers said, defending the changes. He continued, becoming increasingly agitated: “What the Republicans say is a lie, so of course I’m pretty pissed off about that. It gives people using IVF legal certainty. That’s it… Moms are moms. Dads are dads. What we want is legal certainty.”...

It IS 'legally certain' now, has been for ..........I dunno.......a million years or so.

Notice that Evers--in failure mode--stated that "Moms are moms and dads are dads"?

That was deliberateNobody in the "press" asked him the payoff question:  "Are men men and women women, Tony?"  So either the press is as stupid as Tony is, or they have the same fundamental mental disorder. 

EB-5 And "Gold Cards": Whoring Out Citizenship

It appears that Donald Trump has gone off the deep end of his buying/selling real estate career.

President Donald Trump says he wants to replace the EB-5 visa program that sells green cards to wealthy investors with a higher-cost “gold card” program....


...The Gold Card would provide green cards — and the chance for citizenship — at a higher price of $5 million, Trump said, without explaining if the card would be per person or per family.

The price of $5 million is a very low price for U.S. citizenship....

Not that long ago, US citizenship was earned, not purchased.  One cannot "make America great" by selling its crown jewel--citizenship--no matter the price.

Sorry, Donald.  This one sucks.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

New FEEB Hand-Signals

Second City Cop provided this translation aid.  Remember that FEEBS lie a lot, just like Democrats.  They convinced Hannity, no?  But that's not a high bar.


Like We Said: Rent-a-Mobs

Both Grothman and Fitzgerald were targeted by rent-a-mob harpies and detritus in the last several days.  At the time, we suggested that these were "rent-a-mob" ops, particularly since the local yokel reporters seem to have been tipped off as to the time, date, and location.  Remember this:  rent-a-mobs are NOT "grass-roots" orgs.  They are activists with nothing else to do (probably Federal or State employees who no longer have to show up in the office....)

Yup.  We were right.

 ...Local outlets mentioned Indivisible's role in the protests when covering them. Urban Milwaukee, for example, wrote that Fitzgerald's town hall attracted "about 100 people, largely organized by an organization called Indivisible, mostly members of the Washington/Ozaukee County Democratic Party."

The New York Times and CBS also mentioned the Fitzgerald town hall, though neither included Indivisible's involvement....

Somehow, TMJ4's Charles Benson (The Charles) and the apprentice TMJ4 reporter in Algoma both "forgot" to mention Indivisible.  

Just so happens that Charlie Sykes--a traitor/NeoCon--was affiliated with "Indivisible" a while ago; no reason to think that's changed--and it would explain the presence of TMJ4 people, as Sykes was once a broadcaster on their sister AM station.

IOW, the "press" was hoodwinked into believing that this was some sort of  nationwide grass-roots uprising against the racissssss Nazi Fascist.

And no, they won't apologize.

THIS Is What We Voted For


Monday, February 24, 2025

Immigrants Driving Badly

This is not really a big surprise.

... According to the National Insurance Institute, 98% of at fault crashes in a CMV [Commercial Motor Vehicle] during inclement weather are the fault of a person not from the United States…let that sink in….giving people CDL’s, who are from countries where it doesn’t snow, who have little to no traffic laws & enforcement does not translate to them being safe drivers in America....Vox quoting American Truckers

A big part of that is immigrants who have never seen snow or ice and those coming from countries which do not have traffic laws.

No doubt the US Bishops "helped" a few of them before they demolished your car.

Speculating With Peter

 Looks like cynicism is the next national pastime.

After Peter provides a link to Glen Beck which shows the beginning of the money-laundering/Hard Left done with YOUR TAX DOLLARS (informative!), he goes there.

... I think we're also going to see just how much money certain congressional representatives and Senators have directed to their favored causes, and how much of that has come back to them in so-called "kickbacks" or "consulting fees" or "donations to re-election expenses".  I wonder how many of our legislators will face criminal charges as a result?  I won't be surprised to learn the number reaches into three figures....

We think the over/under should be 250 or so.  And it will be roughly 50/50 between Democrat-labeled thieves and Republican-labeled thieves.

Got a better guess?  We have a combox!

Sauce, Goose, Gander

The title could also be Schadenfreude!!


Bongino's Greeting to the FEEBS

Bongino had something to say to the Deep State.  The FEEBS now under his watch are concerned.....


Sunday, February 23, 2025

"Vetted," Say the Bishops. Really?

The US Bishops mewl and whine that they only provided services to "fully vetted" taxpayer, shelter, transportation.....the whole nine yards.

Maybe "vetted" didn't mean "vetted."

...The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is launching an investigation into the handling of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). The probe comes after concerns were raised that lax vetting processes may have allowed minors to end up in the care of unsuitable sponsors, including alleged predators and traffickers.

An internal HHS document details numerous instances where the ORR neglected safety protocols. The report highlights cases where sponsors used falsified or altered images to gain custody of children, with these discrepancies often overlooked by government staff. One photo included in the report depicted a poorly edited image, with a child’s mother appearing next to a man claiming custody. Another case involved a sponsor using an identity document that did not match his own....

Yes, the Bishops will play the "See No.....Hear No.....Speak No" game, claiming that their operatives were never aware of any such shortcomings, laxities, or safety protocols.

And no one with any common sense will believe them.

Good job, Bishops!!  You have all the cred of Anthony Fauci.


The Warning Is Issued: 8 USC, Section 1324

Sure, we'll let you know what that says:

(A) Any person who, during any 12-month period, knowingly hires for employment at least 10 individuals with actual knowledge that the individuals are aliens described in subparagraph (B) shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or both.

(B) An alien described in this subparagraph is an alien who—(i)is an unauthorized alien (as defined in section 1324a(h)(3) of this title), and

(ii) has been brought into the United States in violation of this subsection....

"Forgot" to run E-Verify?

Go to Club Fed.

 The owners of Abby's Bakery in South Texas were arrested and charged with harboring individuals unlawfully present in the U.S., as well as aiding and abetting their harboring, according to a criminal complaint.

 That was a warning shot to the thousands of other firms choosing to employ $9/hour illegals rather than pay market wage to US citizens.

Homan takes the law seriously You should, too! 

HT:  Ticker-Man

John Ringo Explains It All

Cannot be excerpted fairly, so here's the link, followed by most of the X post.  Is he correct in all the deets?  I dunno.  But it's a neat summary.  N.B.:  much more here.  Note the similarities between Jackson and JD Vance!)

 Wilsonians are the Clinton wing of the Democratic party. They are also all through the State Department and to a great extent the the 'permanent bureaucracy' in DC. (Though they've lately been overtaken by Jeffersonians in that.) 

Madisonians are the Bush wing of the Republican party. They're all about 'Government exists to create a better business climate especially for my friends.' 

 Jeffersonians for a very long time were sort of in the background of the Democrat party, pushing it left but not controlling it, then started to take over under Obama and are the 'woke' part that's controlling it now. 

Jacksonians have ALWAYS been the silent majority in the US political system. They mostly were 'leave me alone and I'll just vote D/R whichever.' And, like Jeffersonians, often didn't vote because neither party represented them very well. (Nor cared much about them at all.) 

 For a VERY long time politics at the DC level were Madisonians and Wilsonians passing part of it back and forth. When R was out of office/power, the Madisonians would scurry off to think tanks. When the Ds were out of power the Wilsonians would do the same or embed into FedGov. That was the uniparty.

 Madeleine Albright was Clinton's Secretary of State. Her father was one of Condoleeza Rice' mentors. When Albright was made secretary of state she asked Condi if she wanted a job in the Clinton Administration. Condi: You realize I'm a Republican, right? Albright: How could you be? We have the same father! That pretty much sums up the Uniparty. 

Got it so far?  Good.  We'll cut to the fun part:

 ...What happened was the Jeffersonians started breaking out of academia (to a great degree because of social media) and their entire thing is 'revolution all the time! Everything must be burned down! Every morality is evil because it prevents the future utopia! YOU MUST COMPLY!' 

They then proceeded to stick their sick shit into every aspect of American life. Trans Story Hour is Jeffersonian. 

One thing about Jacksonians. Do not mess with the kids. Do not ever mess with the kids. Jeffersonians barely breed. 'Breeding is evil.' They do not understand how parents react to people touching kids.

Messing with our children?

 ...Jacksonians look at Jeffersonians. 'You're so evil you need to be exterminated, not reasoned with.'...

... What you are seeing now and have been for the last ten years or so is the Jeffersonian and Jacksonian wing going at it hammer and tongs live in living color. When antifa was going at it with Proud Boys that was Jeffersonian vs Jacksonian. Trump is the first fully Jacksonian President and JD Vance is the poster child for Jacksonianism....

...The two revolutionary, reactionary, head banger elements of American politics are finally going at it hammer and tongs and the Jeffersonians are losing badly. (Currently.)...

... Jacksonianism is pretty scary. When we get mad, we don't think in terms of 'negotiated settlements.' 

The near future appears to continue to be the Jacksonians and Jeffersonians fighting it out with the Wilsonians and Madisonians increasingly sidelined. What the long term holds will be interesting to see. 

But the world had better get used to the Jacksonians. We're out of the den and not interested in being put back in 'our place.' 

You really should have left the kids alone.

Ringo is pretty explicit about how the "Jacksonians" could deal with the "Jeffersonians."  That has not been the case; actually, the "Jeffersonians" have been violently attacking the "Jacksonians" up to this point in time--beginning with the "Saint George" Floyd riots, and continuing with the Tranny shootings (highlighted by the Ziz).  

At some point in time, will the Normies respond?  In kind?

Leave the kids alone.  That's a warning, not just an instruction.

Just What Do You Think You DO Here?

Happens every.  damn.  week.  in private industry.

 The Trump administration sent emails on Saturday evening to U.S. federal government employees telling them to detail their work accomplishments from the previous week by Monday night or risk losing their jobs....

Granted, in private industry NOT filing or discussing a "status report" doesn't always lead to termination.  

So what?

The point here is to establish a base-line of "done stuff."  Then management (TRUMP, ya'know) has a measure against which both future activity and the activity of other similar workers can be gauged.

FoMoCo famously fired the 'bottom 10%' of its do-ers a few years back, as did GE.  

It's about damn time that someone lit a fire under those fat Fed asses, no?

Schimel's Challenge to Susan Crawford

The election challenge is secondary; this one is primary.


Men are men. Women are women. Can Susan Crawford say the same?  --Brad Schimel

C'mon, Susie.  Man up!  Say it with us!  Men are men.  Women are women.

Think Susie can do it?

Nissan In Trouble

The maker of the iconic Datsun 240 Z" car is in deep soup.

 Moody's Ratings said on Friday it has downgraded its rating of Nissan Motor's (7201.T) credit by one notch to junk status, citing a weak and worsening outlook for the Japanese automaker's credit profile.

The credit-rating firm cut Nissan's senior unsecured rating to Ba1 from Baa3 and maintained its negative outlook. 
In a report, senior analyst Dean Enjo cited "risks associated with the implementation of its new restructuring plan, the renewal of its aging product range and global trade policies".

, opens new

UW-Madison Created Today's Bird Flu

Nice to know that the UW-Madison is on the forefront.

 Dr. Peter McCullough: “The current strain of bird flu is a product of gain of function research done in the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. So it is a man made problem that, our farms are experiencing right now. It’s in the peer reviewed literature... “It’s the circulating clade, which is the kind of the original source strain, is clade, and, again, that is a product of what’s called serial passage gain of function research done at the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory.”

“It was assisted, by University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and, Rotterdam University. The gain of function was to get it to spread from chickens into migratory waterfowl or mallard ducks. And so that’s how it’s spreading across the world now.” “It’s been spreading for 4 years. It continually reinfects the farms because the mallard ducks fly around, and they land in in ponds on farms and they, easily infect the other animals, on the farm. So it was able to, in a sense, expand the host range even into cattle and to sea mammals.”  ...this has not been denied by the USDA Poultry Research Center.” “McCullough Foundation attended the bird flu summits in both, University of Arkansas as well as in Washington, DC. So there’s no denial of this. Just like COVID 19, the bird flu problem is a man made problem by the US government.”...

 Not just "a problem."  A very expensive problem.  USDA, still living in the 1950's, forces farmers to kill their entire flock rather than to allow infected chickens to die and the non-infected to live, which would create herd immunity.  Now USDA is using that tax money to attempt creation of a vaccine which they will force on not only chicken/poultry farmers but ALL livestock farmers.  

Yes, that's familiar.  It's the same racket that "Dr." Fauci ranFirst, create the problem.  Next, create a panic.  Finally, create a "vaccine" which will not be thoroughly tested, side-effects be damnedCollect royalties from Big Pharma.  Rinse.  Repeat.

USDA then takes tax money and gives it to the farmers to compensate for the (MILLIONS) of dead chickens.

USDA took your tax money to create the problem.  Then they take your tax money to re-imburse farmers.  Then they take your tax money to create a "vaccine."  

Do they re-imburse you for $6.00/dozen eggs?