Sunday, January 05, 2025

Archie Bunker Was RIGHT

Glenn Reynolds wrote a foreword to a book.  In that foreword, he re-printed his blog-post of 9/12 (excerpted here):

...“Increased Security” Won’t Work.When you try to defend everything, you defend nothing. Airport security is a joke because it’s spread so thin that it can’t possibly stop people who are really serious. You can’t prevent terrorism by defensive measures; at most you can stop a few amateurs who can barely function. Note that the increased measures after TWA 800 (which wasn’t terrorism anyway, we’re told) didn’t prevent what appear to be coordinated hijackings. (Archie Bunker’s plan, in which each passenger is issued a gun on embarking, would have worked better). Deterrence works here, just as everywhere else. But you have to be serious about it....

That's the right plan for schoolteachers and admins, too.

But The 'Learned Ones' who have run this country into the ground disagree.  

That's their plan:  run it into the ground by any means.

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