Thursday, January 12, 2023

Bai-Den To Erase Border Entirely

This came out of a summit between Mexico (run by the cartels), Canada (run by a Castro-ite in more ways than one) and the US (we don't know who the Hell is in charge.)  The MSM doesn't mention this, but the United Nations is helping, too.

...“This has been the greatest migration in human history around the world as well as in this hemisphere,” Biden said, speaking about the ongoing migration crisis after meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during a summit in Mexico City.  But the president did not appear troubled by the volume of border crossings and migrants flooding into local communities in the United States, placing a burden on U.S. citizens and legal residents.

He spoke about his administration’s plan for new ways to allow migrants claiming asylum to sign up, get background checks, get a sponsor, and get them examined, allowing them to go directly to a port of entry to make their case....

The United Nations takes US taxpayer dollars and gives them to migrants en route in various parts of South and Central America and in Mexico.  The illegals get up to 6,000 pesos plus debit cards for food, lodging, and travel expenses.

YOU pay for that, too, sucker.

Bai-Den then ignores their illegal entry, or gives them a free pass.

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