Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Michels' Plan Missing Most Important Part

Tim Michels put out his economic plan for Wisconsin.

It's missing the most important component for economic growth.

Michels wants to reduce taxes, incentivize study in health science, technology, and engineering while expanding voc-tech education (presumably in high-demand areas like the trades.)  

All good.

But the single most important ingredient in economic growth is HAVING CHILDREN in INTACT FAMILIES.  

Don't think so?  Then you should look at the history of the US, which grew from nothing in 1492 to the most powerful and richest country in history by 1970--all done with largely intact, child-rich families.  America was not a nation of birth control, nor abortion, nor divorce, much less single parenthood, in the 1800's/1900's.  In America, three or more (lots more!) children/family was the norm.

That's something Tim ought to address.  Planned Parenthood will attack him for it, as will Establishment Republicans.

So what?

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