It's not hard to tell that the Establishment Pubbies don't want any more Trump.
Jay Weber is running their not-too-subtle campaign against him.
When he remarks that 'Trump is fixated on winning" and 'Trump is a narcissist', the first question should be "So What, Jay? Name one politician who is NOT both of those, Jay."
Why do they despise Trump, really?
Not because of his personality, his ego, nor his mean tweets.
They dislike him because he got things done. See, if things get done, politicians cannot flog "issues" because those "issues" are no longer "issues."
How the Hell do you get campaign donations if there are no "issues"?
That's why they don't want him around.
And that's why we DO.
Hope your doing okay
Been a bit to quiet lately?
Yeah, what's going on over there? You're unusually quiet.
You holed up with a bottle of original Glenavon?
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