Friday, June 24, 2022

Pew: Journalists Suck

Factoid of Least Surprise.

...Per Pew, 65 percent of the nearly 12,000 journalists surveyed say the media do a solid job of “covering the most important stories of the day” and reporting news accurately. But a solid majority of the American public at large has the opposite view, with just 35 percent feeling the same way. That’s a 30-point perception gap.

When asked if journalists perform well when “serving as a watchdog over elected leaders,” 52 percent of journalists agreed. But the number dropped precipitously again when the general public was asked, with less than 3 in 10 agreeing with the assessment.

When asked if journalists manage and correct misinformation consistently, 43 percent of those in the industry said yes, while just 25 percent of the general public agreed....

If you were to ask all the local journalists whether the Wisconsin '20 election was jiggered enough to reverse the outcome, NONE would agree.  One or two might grudgingly concede that "maybe" the WEC's blatantly illegal drop-box scheme was illegal.

Yet they continue to spew, assured by themselves that they are the Righteous Ones.

Baghdad Bob lives!!

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