Tuesday, June 07, 2022

"The Way Things Are......"

Stopped to get a haircut.

The barber mentioned a few old TeeeeVeeee characters and shared a laugh when I wondered if our children could define "typewriter."  Then she said she's 'keeping her boyfriend' because he has old cars which will not be disabled in an EMP attack.  Hmmm.

A little more conversation and she also told me that she had trained all of her children how to shoot.  "The way things are....." was her refrain.  We agreed that it's prudent to have a bit of extra rice, toilet paper, and pasta--plus canned goods.

"The way things are....."

A few days back I was at a social occasion chatting with a fellow who leases his farm to someone.  We talked about the $150K check written to cover diesel fuel for this year, and the possibility that he (his tenant) would 't be able to get all the fertilizer he needs.

Then he came out and said that he thinks there will be another civil war.

"The way things are....."

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