Thursday, June 09, 2022

The Waukesha (Teacher) Wailing

The TeeeVeee is flooded with the Wailing and Snorting of the teachers' union in Waukesha.

The growing number of teachers and staff leaving the School District of Waukesha has colleagues and families concerned.

"Currently at 54 resignations for this school year. That's double what it was two years ago and increases every year. That doesn't even include the data from July and August," Carrie Kummrow, president of the Education Association of Waukesha, said.

Kummrow cited several reasons teachers are leaving, including lack of professional trust, concerns about COVID safety protocols, continuously being asked to do more with less and without proper compensation, and lack of diversity, inclusion and equity....

OMG!!!  Lack of D.I.E!!  Call out the National Guard (so long as they don't bring those ugly Weapons of War!)!!! 

...We spoke with some resigning teachers, who cited issues such as salary caps and politicization as means to resign.

"It's been really challenging working here the last several years," said Amy Menzel, who is resigning. "I have not been given a raise in five years. The district's pay model has topped my out."...

Yah, it's just awful, Amy.

DPI stats tell us that the average salary for teachers in Waukesha is $67,000++/year and the average fringe benefit (health plan, dental plan, pension plan) is $24,300/year.  Not bad for 9 months OTJ, is it?

This is nothing more than the Teachers' Union trying to re-litigate the election results of last Spring, in which the Loony Lefties lost and real-education people won, and the teachers do NOT like it.  There was no fraud in that election; there were no phantom voters, no stuffed drop-boxes--it was clean.

They fight against a clear and clean election--and fight against those who know that the '20 was fraudulent up to the chinny-whiskers.

Heh. Suck it, people.


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