Saturday, March 07, 2015

The Incredible Lightness of Channel 12 "News"

While Channel 12 is a very good source of local TV news*, its wholesale reprint of a CNN item on the HRC email scandal say the least.

You can read it here.  Two quick points (of the dozens which could be mentioned)

1)  There is no mention--at all--of "security."  When the Secretary of State is sending ALL her official correspondence through some random ISP, what security is present, if any?

2)  CNN glosses over the "control" matter.  Yes, HRC "controlled" her email.  That means that she can destroy her email and no one will know it.  It also means that she can "control" exactly what IS released to State--and the press.

By the way, HRC actually had TEN separate email accounts at that domain.  How many were cracked by the Russians, ISIS, or Red China?  We'll never know until it is far too late.

* Channel 12 has still failed to ask "WHY" railcars full of crude are burning all over the US.  They could--but then they'll find out that the answer is Obama.


Ray Epps said...

Is it coincidence that ISIS seemed to be one step ahead of our hostage rescue attempts?

Grim said...

By the way, HRC actually had TEN separate email accounts at that domain.

Most likely the professionals went after the server as such, meaning that they got all of it.