Thursday, February 10, 2022

Our Pubbie Posers

This is not a revelation to anyone who's been paying attention.

But it's good to see it as a reminderthey all lie, nearly all the time.

...There were several conservative bills that were recently sent to Governor Evers, knowing full that they would be vetoed. Bills like the Fetal Tissue bill, Constitutional Carry, the Heartbeat Abortion bill, and of course the MPS breakup bill. Do you know how many of those bills saw the light of day during those EIGHT Walker years?

That’s right, NONE OF THEM!...

Plenty more at the link.

Shall we talk about Robin Vos?  How about Fitzgerald, who now sends out utterly stupid "poll" questions to pretend that he's a good guy?

Does Fitzie need a good primary-ing??

This is about Job Security and Campaign Money.  If the Republicans (or Democrats) actually passed those bills their base wants, they wouldn't have reasons to beat their base for Mo' Money!

And most of those Leggies would have trouble finding a job in the real economy, too.  Some tell tales about their 'small business' background.  Umnnhhh, yup, right.

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