Monday, September 07, 2020

The MSM Evaluates "Q." It's What You Expect

 A few thousand words, with lots of emphasis on "far-right", and "conspiracy", a bunch of psychobabble from psychobabblers, and a reassurance that Q people are just not..........really...........normal.

Because, ya know, Q people are not Democrats, nor NeverTrump Republicans, and they talk about trafficking children for sex.

So they're sorta-kinda vaguely fringe-ish nutbags, right?

Because, after all, all that "trafficking" never happens, right?  There is no Epstein.  No Anthony Weiner. Nope.  Not at all.

Is "Q" on my daily-read list?  Nope.  See it, usually by reference-link, once every three-four weeks.  Read a bit, file it for 'interesting but not compelling' stuff, recall it when something breaks.

By the way, is it useful to have pictures of politicians engaged in sexual congress with minors?  Hmmmm?

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