Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Covid-Porn (With Adjustments)

Since the New York Times, which is as wacked-out Left as any, reported that up to 90% of "Covid cases" are the results of over-sensitive tests, we can modify the Covid-Porn being shown by the Usual Suspects in the Nooz.

The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Wisconsin rose by 981 Tuesday, Sept. 1, officials with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported, for a total of 76,584.

Using the NYT adjustment, the real total could be as low as 7,658.

Moving on to another Porn-trick of the Nooz, we have the old standby:  use whatever numbers it takes to make it awful and never, ever, use other meaningful information to put it into context.

...Of the positive cases, 5,878 have required hospitalization (7.7%), while 67,234 have recovered (89%), making for 7,229 active cases (9.6%)....

Are you aroused yet??

Yah, well.  Context counts there are only 295 people in Wisconsin hospitals due to Covid at this time, a decrease of 59 since last week.  That's 295 of a population of 5,500,000.

As to "active cases"--see the NYT adjustment above.

Let's face it.  This thing is over with.  The Nooz will do its damndest to scare the bejabbers out of anyone they can--it's the way they sell advertising, after all.

Carry on.


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