Thursday, June 08, 2023

WI Color-Blind Legislation Attacked by Racists

 The Legislature's 'Give Milwaukee More Money' bill has color-blind requirements.

...The bill includes a host of policies aimed at local governments but would also require changes specific to Milwaukee.

Those include a provision that prevents the city from using tax money for "funding any position for which the principal duties consist of promoting individuals or groups on the basis of their race, color, ancestry, national origin or sexual orientation."

Another provision would prohibit local governments more broadly from including "preferences in hiring or contracting."

"Unless required to secure federal aid, no (local government) may discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, or sexual orientation in making employment decisions regarding employees of a political subdivision or contracting for public works," the legislation states....

In short, the bill prohibits racism and sexism while spending Wisconsin taxpayer dollars.

When a bill prohibiting racism and sexism is attacked, logic tells us that the attackers are racist and sexist.

...It's an "interesting irony" for Mayor Cavalier Johnson, a Democrat who championed the effort to bring the RNC to Milwaukee and has been a key negotiator on the state bill that contains funding to help the city avert a fiscal cliff but also ties local leaders' hands in a series of policy areas....

Johnson is pushing the failed policies of Lyndon Baines Johnson.  Maybe he should catch up with history, eh?

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