Friday, June 30, 2023

Can One Be "Wise" and "Really Stupid" at the Same Time?

 The Wise Latina draws fire--a lot of fire--from Gorsuch.

Here's the best part:

...“In some places, [Sotomayor] gets so turned around about the facts that it opens fire on its own position. For instance: While stressing that a Colorado company cannot refuse “the full and equal enjoyment of [its] services” based on a customer’s protected status, post, at 27, the dissent assures us that a company selling creative services “to the public” does have a right “to decide what messages to include or not to include,” post, at 28. But if that is true, what are we even debating?” Gorsuch wrote....

That 'religious freedom' thing is really, really, hard, I guess.  Sotomayor expressly endorses compelled speech contrary to religious belief.  Doesn't look like 'freedom' to me.

So really:  is Sotomayor "wise"?  Or is she just another hack-in-black?

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