Monday, June 12, 2023

Z-Man's Short Version of Deneen

 Patrick Deneen wrote "Why Liberalism Failed" which is quite an opus.

Z-Man sums it up, mostly:

...The liberal model of society is failing because like all models it leaves out the bits of reality that make the model messy or impossible. On the one hand, it has no defense against the illiberal tyrants that are multiplying like rabbits. On the other hand, it lacks a method to compel members of society to act in the common good or to even conceive of a common good. As a result, the liberal model is leading to the destruction of the people who conceived it.

Finally, the growing similarities between the liberal model and the communist model are rooted in two common assumptions. The first assumption is that the point of human organization is the liberation of the individual. This means freedom from political coercion, as in an aristocracy, freedom from economic coercion, as Marx explained and now freedom from cultural coercion, as we see with our woke rulers. None of this is ever explained or justified. It is simply assumed to be true.

The other assumption is that these models must never be opposed. It is why the great champions of communism and liberalism sound more like religious fanatics than reasonable advocates. Once one accepts the moral claims about human freedom, one is compelled to attack anyone who questions these moral claims, as to do otherwise suggests doubt. If you accept that maybe liberation is not the point of society, these models fall apart and take their champions with them....

The key word is "liberated" or "freedom."  Being 'liberated' from 'cultural coercion' is the same as being 'free' of moral norms on which Western society depended for about 1850++ years.

That's Deneen's concern, it's Z's concern, and it damn well better be OUR concern, too. 

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