Wednesday, June 21, 2023

War-Lover/Typist "Catholic"

John Lamont would do well to read a book on "vital national interests" before assaulting Catholics.  Or maybe Lamont's love of war would be best served if he'd pick up an AR and leave his typing job.

...As the war continues, however, dissonant voices have emerged on the conservative side. They have alleged that Russia’s attack was not a pure act of unprovoked aggression but was motivated by legitimate security concerns, and that the military aid to the Ukrainians should cease. This position of some conservatives is a further burden and risk for the suffering Ukrainian nation which is fighting for its life.  It is also – a much lesser consideration – a problem for conservatives and for many Catholics, who have given ear to this anti-Ukrainian stance or have even accepted and promoted it. The problem is a problem of moral integrity and moral credibility. Those Catholics who have bought in to the anti-Ukrainian line have lost both...

We all know that Biden's Government--which happens to be distinct from the American people on this and many other matters--provoked the Russians.  We also know the history of Crimea/Ukraine well enough to know that Ukraine was a province of Russia from the time of Catherine the Great until the US/NATO imposition of new borders.

But the far more important question, Mr. Lamont, is this:  what is the vital national interest of the US in 'who governs Ukraine?'

We note that you avoid that question--because you do not have an answer other than the smarmy 'right thing to do' folderol.

Right for whom, pal?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. It seems quite obvious--the upshot, of course, is how can we maintain this neocon stance at this late stage?

Frank Hannon said...

John Lamont writes like he has no loved one serving. He has no problem with the risk of my son's blood being spilled defending a thug country in which the US has 0 strategic interest. Biden and his neocon homies are far more interested in the borders of Ukraine than in our own, those piece of sh1t hypocrites.

When Nikita Khrushchev sent missiles to Cuba, and Kennedy threatened him with a nuclear response, it was supported by the vast majority of Americans, because Khruschev's action was threatening. ...but today, Putin is a Bad Man to react against NATO's establishment of missiles in the Ukraine, on his own doorstep. Hypocrisy has become the US's leading export.