Thursday, June 08, 2023

Self-Proclaimed "Catholic" Bill Barr Is Lying Loudly

Barr will have a lot to answer for when he meets St Peter.

...“Bill Barr knows that Merrick Garland is ignoring the Presidential Records Act and DC U.S. District Court’s 2012 Clinton sock-drawer case. Barr’s own 2019 OLC opinion DOJ generally can’t charge obstruction for investigations into non-crimes,” says former Chief Judiciary Chair Mike Davis....

Another former President tape-recorded a history of many events in his term of office; some of them were extremely highly classified.  When Republicans investigated the tapes (found in Clinton's highly-secure sock drawer) Barr wrote the opinion that Clinton had every right to those tapes.


Because Clinton was the President, with plenary authority to declassify whatever he wanted to declassify.

Barr is merely a Bush-Boy and as we all know, the Bush family is totally intertwined with the New World Order/Globalist crowd--and the global 'enforcers' for same, the CIA.

There's a lot more peeling to do on this onion.

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