Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Happens in D.C.? Blackmail.

A Republican congressman from Tennessee has filed for divorce after 35 years of marriage.  

His wife sent a message to all the other Congressional wives.  But they are not the only people who should read it.  You may notice that your "Conservative" Congressman or Senator is voting differently than his/her "Principles"There's a reason:

...Camie Green said she had attempted reconciling with her husband, but that he “insisted” on ending their marriage.

“Satan has rewritten our marriage in his mind. I am being quite open about this as 1) I cherish the prayer of any who are willing and 2)
I want to make others aware of how readily available  ‘predators’ are for our husbands,” said Camie Green, who did not respond after being contacted by the Washington Examiner. “If my story can prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else, I will tell it.”...

...Camie Green warned that Congress could make lawmakers vulnerable to attention outside their marriage.

“Our husbands are often isolated from others who might hold them accountable and on top of that they can become intoxicated with power and adoration,” wrote Camie Green. “Mine is a classic case of this as he pushed God out of his life, me out of his life, and developed friendships with other congressmen and women having affairs and getting divorces, drinking, parties, all while hosting a weekly Bible study in the basement of our home.”...

 If you're dumb enough to think that 'there is no video', or that "nobody knows" that your Congressman is not playing on the home court, you really need to step back.  This is one of the ways the Deep State wins votes in Congress.

And it's a damn good method, too.

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