Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump vs. The Deficit/Debt Problem

What with Trump's "no-tax" proposals on tips and overtime, it appeared that he was not too concerned about the budget deficits and national debt.

Not true.

In the video at this link, Trump states that his tariff regime(s) will make a dent in both the deficit AND in the national debt.  The tariffs will provide revenue, of course; and in the long run, they will provide new US-based employment because if a company manufactures its goods in the USA, they will be tariff-free.

Maybe that will work the way Trump envisions it.

But at least he's paying attention to the debt/deficit problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He’s a real estate guy and loves to spend money

Listening to Trump talk about deficit reduction, is like listening to an alcoholic that says that he’s going to go sober

When it comes to debt reduction, I am very pessimistic, and I pray that I am wrong


Dear Lord,

We are burdened by the weight of our national debt, and we turn to you for help. Grant us the strength and discipline to create a comprehensive plan for reducing our debts. Lead us to resources and opportunities that will enable our country to pay off our obligations little by little.

Please bless our efforts, Lord, and help us experience the joy of each debt that is erased, knowing that it is a step closer to financial freedom for us and our children.

Let us always keep in mind Matthew 6:24, where Jesus cautions His disciples about money. In the verse, Jesus tells them “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.

You cannot serve God and wealth.”

We offer you our gratitude for your guidance and assistance.

Saint Joseph pray for us
