Friday, September 13, 2024

Enjoying the Harris/Biden Immigration-Crime Rate??

 The FEEBS (of all people) released the latest crime numbers.

...In 2020, Trump’s last full year in office, 1,569,390 violent crimes, excluding simple assaults, were recorded. The figure had risen to 2,485,830 by 2023. (Simple assaults are also up, from 2,988,770 to 3,933,230.)

Rapes and sexual assaults, in particular, are up from 319,950 in 2020 to 481,020 in 2023. Robberies are up from 437,260 to 731,620, and so-called “stranger violence” is up from 1,973,200 to an astonishing 3,233,400.

While some may argue crime could have been lower than usual in 2020 due to coronavirus restrictions limiting people’s movements, every non-domestic violent crime type listed in the Justice Department’s report is also up compared to 2019, before the pandemic....

This is not just Tren de Aragua terrorizing Dane County (yes, they're there) or Aurora, CO.  And it's not just Haitians with their voodoo santeria.

It's exactly what Trump tried to prevent, and what Paul Ryan (and others) asked for.

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