Saturday, September 07, 2024

Scott Johnson on Schneerson: Declare!!

While Johnson is at it, he should "declare" his position on Rabbi Schneerson.

...Schneerson describes the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew and he says:Thus we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. The body of a Jewish person is of totally different quality from the body of all nations of the world.’  

And he talks about ‘the substance of the Jewish body’ versus the substance of non-Jews, saying that the inner quality ‘is so different and so great that the bod[ies] should be considered completely different species.  

So that is a belief, and you can go through his speeches and you will see that he continually talks about how non-Jews should be treated and that again we are a different species.  ...

It has been proposed that Schneerson's theories are prime motivators in the Israeli government's Zionism.

We all know that Schneerson and his ilk--Talmud follower--are "fringe."

Johnson should say so.  You know:  DECLARE.

1 comment:

Grim said...

"...‘the substance of the Jewish body’ versus the substance of non-Jews..."

This is 'substance' in the same Aristotelian sense that Catholics use when talking about 'transubstantiation.' It's an interesting claim (which I have not heard before), but hard to interrogate because the materialist modes of investigation won't help -- in the same way that a molecular analysis of the wine at Mass wouldn't show that it was 'substantially' different from other wine.

It's hard to say much about matters of faith like this except, "I do believe this claim, because I am of the Faith; I don't believe that claim, because I am not of that faith."