Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Non-Profit Haitian Rackets

Let's hope that the Catholic Bishops are not involved in this.

...the so-called "businesses" that want the Haitians here (and yes there are) are cheating.  I looked into this; they are trying to pay $17.50/hr for American labor, which can work (that's $35k/yr) if there are $750/mo one-bedroom apartments.  These jobs are not "McJobs" for kids; they're no-BS adult jobs that someone could hold for a lifetime.  They then get a "deal" with an NGO, which got a direct government contract to do it and thus is being paid with your stolen money to pay $9/hr with no benefits or employment taxes because they're not an "employer" anymore (the job shop is), the job shop sticks a $2/hr override on it and makes money that way, the Haitians get $10 and $1,000 a month of direct subsidy and another $700 or so of rent subsidy.  The Haitians then live 4 to a one-bedroom apartment driving the cost of those up to $2,000 a month which instantly makes it impossible for any American to live on that $17.50/hr as that's more than half their pay.  All of these "subsidies" and game-playing are directly and forcibly stolen from the American people and the manufacturer and landlords are the ones doing the stealing.  For this they should all be destroyed and their ashes scattered to the four winds; they're screwing every actual American in the ass, on purpose, and they're gushing over how "wonderful" it is that they're literally screwing every one of their neighbors. ...

The Harris-Biden-Obama tyranny strikes again.

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