Saturday, September 14, 2024

ObamaCare Is Destroying You

 Keep your doctor, and lower healthcare costs.

Uh-huh.  Only Kamala lies more than Obama, but it's a very close call.

Here's the 'lower' cost picture:

Average US family health insurance premium...
1999: $6k
2002: $8k
2005: $11k
2008: $13k
2011: $15k
2014: $17k
2017: $19k
2020: $21k
2023: $24k

That's a 314% increase since 1999 (6.1% per year).

(Note: US CPI inflation has increased 2.5%/year)

ObamaCare became law in 2010.  Using 2011's cost as a basis, we see that ObamaCare reduced your health costs by increasing them 60%.

See how that works?  Your lying eyes are lying.

Be sure to thank Paul Ryan, and to piss on John McCain's grave.

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