Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Killed Off by Green Crapola

Last Refuge points to an essay in Politico (of all places!) which points to a large--and growing--problem in the industrialized West.

...[Managing Director] Keim entered a troubling new normal, where energy prices are double those of overseas rivals.

That reality is slowly eroding thousands of similar companies across Europe’s industrial heartland. Germany, Europe’s manufacturing powerhouse, has fallen into a recession expected to extend through the year’s end. Even global German stalwarts like Volkswagen, a name almost synonymous with the mighty Das Auto itself, are staring at unprecedented plant closures.

More broadly
across the EU, output from key energy-intensive sectors like chemicals and steel is declining. Plants are shutting down. Industrial champions are announcing layoffs....--
quoting Politico

This is something that Trump saw; it's the reason he supported "Drill, baby, drill!!", albeit only in  the energy sectors of petroleum and natural gas.

Harris/Biden have attempted the kill shot on US industry with their Green Energy bill.  That's the one they called "Recovery" or some other crapola.  And if you don't believe it, take another look at the electric bill you're paying.  Notice how much those KWH's have increased in the last 10 years?  5 years?  2 years?

That's the Harris/Biden/Green Goddess kill shot, and yes, it's just as bad for industry as it is for you.

Last Refuge also notes that Big Ag (and Big Food, and Big Pharma) have moved their capital investments to Third World countries.  There's a reason:  the Third World is not stupid.  They don't mandate sun-catchers and windmills on the blatantly-false theory of "Climate Change."

But your Congress did.  Your most recent Presidents did.

And you?  You got the hindmost.  Congratulations!

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