Sunday, September 08, 2024

Predictable: Kamala Goes to Penzey's

Up here, we know about Penzey's.

Kamala Harris on Saturday visited a spice store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and it was a total PR nightmare.

This is why Kamala Harris’s handlers try to hide her from the public.

A reporter asked Kamala Harris about her debate prep.

“Best part of debate prep for you? What’s your favorite part?” a sycophantic reporter asked Harris.

“Being at this spice store!” Kamala Harris said as she cackled....

There you are!!  Another Kammy non-answer.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Best part of of debate prep?

Not doing it!

That's like a kid saying what he likes about school is summer vacation. At 6 years old it might be funny at 18 you question whether he has any kind of future. And yet here she is.