Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Liberal Illiterati

Interesting clip from Vox:

Janet's [a Conservative] willingness to associate with so many liberal friends -- though I know she seeks refuge in chat rooms and magazines that share her beliefs -- makes her a better and more interesting person. She has her beliefs challenged constantly. She is more well-read and educated in her politics than most of the liberals I know. Too many liberals I know are lazy, they have a belief system that consists of making fun of Glenn Beck and watching "The Daily Show." --Vox quoting a Liberal blogger

If you think otherwise, check out the combox on any P-Mac blogpost.


Anonymous said...

Parroting party lines, denying the legitimacy of contradictory evidence, refusing to acknowledge one's own biased positions, etc. are HUMAN traits, and are not exclusive to one political ideology.

If VOX truly thinks that conservatives than liberals when it comes debating the issues because they have the only "right" answer, then everything we stand for as a nation is a complete and utter lie.

One can infer from VOX's diatribe that one group (Conservatives) should lead and everyone else should fall in line with their thought process because they do not have a clue how to take care of themselves, let alone be in a position to govern. What a crock!

VOX completely undermines her point when she claims that "the Left regularly puts itself at a complete disadvantage by refusing to pay attention to anything but its own dogma." That line is a classic case of projecting. VOX touting the intellectual and moral high ground wreaks of high-handedness and self-serving interests, two traits she claims are exclusively liberal.

It is hypocrisy at its finest, and I thank you, Dad29, for bringing it to my attention.

Display Name said...

So this explains all the conservative combox commenters here who tell you how right you are? And how the conservative combox Anony commenters are all about the personal insults?

J. Strupp said...

"Parroting party lines, denying the legitimacy of contradictory evidence, refusing to acknowledge one's own biased positions, etc. are HUMAN traits, and are not exclusive to one political ideology."

Exactly. And I would agree with Barry Ritholtz that it's a type of brain damage. A flaw in one's wetware.

Anonymous said...

How do you know the insulters are conservative, John? Maybe they're just tired of you concern trolling every blog in the Cheddarsphere?

Display Name said...

I'm open to hear their explanation of their political views. I am not sure anyone could convince them to stop posting insults that even Dad29 would delete.