Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Vatican "Oooops!"


The current Papal Master of Ceremonies is a Bishop named Marini. He's not highly regarded by folks with a longer view (say, more than 40 years) of the Catholic sacred music tradition. Back a number of years ago, he fired the Sistine Choir's director, Mgr. Berlusconi, and hired some twit named Liberto.

Now this guy has a problem, eh?

Liberto: "I have not read Ratzinger's latest book [Milestones]"
Journalist: "Not even those pages which have caused great impact?"
Liberto: "No, not even those."
Journalist: "Not even his thoughts on Sacred Music and the liturgy collected in , edited by Jaca Book? [Sing a New Song]"
Liberto: "No, I have not had the time."

Or maybe he'll find the time. Rumor has it that Bp. Marini will soon join Mike Sherman in the "unassigned" office. Without Marini between Benedict XVI and Liberto, one suspects that Mgr. L. may also get to meet Sherman (or Mike Tice!)

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