Sunday, October 04, 2020

WHO: Masks Are Useless

One wonders if Tin-Pot Tony Evers' "health" personnel actually read WHO studies.

A 2019 World Health Organization review of numerous studies testing the efficacy of face coverings to stop the transmission of influenza found "no evidence that [wearing a mask] is effective in reducing transmission" of the virus. The organization has further discouraged individuals from using cloth masks to cover their faces during pandemics, though at times that advice has appeared to shift....

The paper masks are useless.  The cloth masks are even worse. 

...The document reviews 10 separate randomized, controlled trials examining the effectiveness of face masks in stopping flu transmission. There was "no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza" found in that survey. ...

Some of you may have noticed that this is about "influenza."  Well.....

Experts assert that COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets from infected individuals. Masks, including cloth face masks, are meant to stop those droplets from spreading to other individuals and to surfaces. 

Yet influenza spreads the same way, according to medical experts. "Most experts think that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk,"

We will grant you this:  many, many, people look far better with a mask on.  

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