Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Karens of the DEATH!!!

The DEATH (a/k/a/ WuFlu) has produced a boatload of Karens who run around screeching about wearing face-diapers and SIX FEET!! and like that.  One of them--a young black man--gave me a warning the other day after I flagrantly disobeyed a "MASK ON!!!" order at a local gas station.  

Another bunch of them are active in Hartland.

Three Hartland residents contacted FOX6 News Monday, Sept. 28 questioning whether this event should have even happened this weekend. FOX6 looked into it...

It was a slow news day, so we accomodated the nosy-bitch Karen bunch with a teeeeveeee story.

And yes, that young black man?  He's a nosy-bitch Karen, too.

It occurs to us that if somebody wants to take a very reasonable risk--especially reasonable for anyone under the age of 60--that the Karens should just STFU.  They may commence bitter laughter later.

(Wigderson will be chiming in shortly to blame the bar owners and cops for any Chinese Lung-AIDS transmission that happened here.  Wiggy likes to spread the blame; see this entry.)

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