Saturday, May 09, 2020

Obama Stoking a Civil War

In "leaked" phone calls--meaning calls that Obama WANTS leaked--the community organizer, failed ex-President and potential seditionist with questionable friends begins stoking a civil war.

In one propaganda stunt, Obama declares that the DoJ withdrawal of charges in the Flynn case "endangers the rule of law" (a topic with which Obama is intimately familiar.)

In the second, Obama renders his opinion on Trump's management of the Chinese Communist Party Virus scare/pandemic.  Here, Obama draws on his vast failed experience with H1N1.

Obama's dirty play makes Roger Stone look like St. John the Evangelist.  It's clear that Obama has taken the Alinsky-Communist playbook to the next level to stoke 'the folks.' 

Maybe the riots will happen in Milwaukee at the DNC.  Won't Tommy Choo-Choo be proud!!

But if Obama really wants a war, he'll get one. 


Anonymous said...

I just love Internet Armchair Warrior talk!

Anonymous said...

I see Jiffy the Clueless wandered in again. Dumbass.

Dad29 said...

Yah. Like herpes, he's everywhere.