Monday, September 10, 2018

Fifty Years of Relativism = Pp. Francis. Ugh.

Professor K raises a very good point.

...It may be that the best effect of August 2018 is that it prompts sincere Catholics—those who still wish, above all, and in spite of all, to follow Christ the King in His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church—to ask painful questions not just about the past five years, but about the past fifty years. What has made this pontificate and its attendant chaos possible? Is it a stray chastisement permitted for the purification of our sins? Or is it the fruition of an entire trend, the distillation of decades of ambiguous doctrine, catechetical waffling, worldly accommodationism, strategic secularization? Are we not beholding the fully consistent manifestation of “the spirit of Vatican II” that not only wilfully outstripped the texts of the Council but had already permeated the conciliar assembly in the well-documented machinations of the progressive European bishops who dominated the proceedings and whose spiritual descendants are today running the show?...

If you'd like some sort of confirmation of his thesis, read Malachi Martin's The Jesuits, wherein Martin points to the breakthrough of relativism's influence in the Order precisely due to the vague prattle found in many of the documents of Vatican 2.  It didn't really start with Arrupe (nor with Paul VI, for that matter) but it was unleashed when they were in charge.

Want another confirmation?  Tell me the last time you heard a sermon about artificial birth control.  Go ahead.  I'll wait.

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