Sunday, April 07, 2024

The Myopia of The Elites

 Wauck draws together a couple of threads from different essayists whose topic is the "global problems" of Russia, Al-Quaeda, (etc.) as seen by Our Betters, The Elites. 

But the imperial ideology held by The Elites is not only applied to 'those people over there.'  It applies to a lot of Americans, too.

...Eric Voegelin, in his The New Science of Politics, compares this Western imperial ideology to past forms of imperial ideologies—opposition is simply rebellion. Just as Dick Cheney and our current globalist/Neocon rulers view Russian concern for its security against an advancing imperial West as rebellion against the the Rules Based Order. The embrace of the Rules Based Order is the defining character of the New World Order and thus of the New Humanity—and accordingly all who resist are demonized, both the land and its head of state, Russia and Putin are the Evil pole of a new dualism of Good and Evil....

The demonization of Trump and "Christian Nationalists," and anti-abortion demonstrators, and grannies who prayed in the House on 1/6, etc., etc., etc., is exactly the same as that applied to Putin today and Hamas, and ISIS, and..........on and on and on.

Wauck maintains that The Elites came to this pass by their obstinate refusal to understand religion in any form as a motivator.

Long-time readers of this blog will recall that we made that point years ago and have castigated the Bush-the-Dumber Government for exactly that failure.  Turns out, as cited in the Wauck piece, that a refusal to consider religion is a cast-in-bronze policy of the US State Department.

Yet they consider themselves to be the Smartest People on Earth.

Think an election will solve this problem?  Think again.

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