Thursday, April 11, 2024

How Many Ways to Lie? Plenty!

Oh, yah.  Biden and his entire Blob are in grave danger and they know it.

But they'll continue to Lie Like Hell hoping that you won't catch them.

...according to the BLS, the only reason PPI was even positive in March is because of services, where the biggest source of upside was the "index for securities brokerage, dealing, investment advice, and related services, which rose 3.1 percent." In other words, everyone was rushing to open a brokerage account...

Gotta have a brokerage account so we can withdraw the money needed to f'n EAT!!

Sure.  That was it.

Or maybe..............just wasn't.

 ...But what about what really increased in March, which as we have shown previously, was gas prices which rose just over 6% based on, well, how much the average gas price rose across the US in March!

Oh, really??

Well, not according to the way the Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants regime tells it.


Because............."Seasonal Adjustment!!"

See?  You were wrong even though you were right.

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