Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Farmers Win Battle in Europe--For Now

When you shut down roads and stop delivering food, people pay attention.

...Following major wins last year in The Netherlands, tractor protests from farmers secured another significant victory against the globalist agenda on Tuesday, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen scrapping plans to require the agriculture sector to cut methane and nitrogen emissions by a third by 2040.

Brussels is also set to backtrack on plans to cut the use of pesticides in half during the same time frame, which farmers have argued puts them at a disadvantage to foreign agriculture imported into the bloc under free trade deals at cheaper costs due to their countries having less stringent environmental regulations as the EU.

Plans to encourage Europeans to eat less meat, a central theme of the Great Reset movement favoured by elites, have also been abandoned....

Not likely that the EU Green-Worship will go away for long.  They'll find a way to stab those farmers in the back.

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